Friday, January 16, 2009


So today was multicultural day or something like that in Chapel. For some people it’s a day off, for others it’s a chance to represent your heritage and culture, and for others it’s just another day. For me it was just another chaotic-three hours of sleep-day. However God decided to just turn my day upside down. All I knew going into today was that there was going to be songs in Hmong. It turns out that there was a song in Hmong, Spanish, and English. There was scripture reading in Thai and prayer in Chinese. It was really amazing to worship God together in one heart but different languages.
Galatians 4:3-6 “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to one hope when you were called – one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”
What really struck me was afterwards I had a few minutes so I was walking around chatting it up, and I saw this girl all by herself just crying. Now this was only slightly awkward. So I was going around trying to find a girl to pray with her and finally found someone. It turns out that this girl was so moved by God and this chapel it just brought her to tears as she sat there and sobbed for a good five minutes. How amazing is that? It’s been a while since I have taken time out of my busy life to stop and just bask in God glory to the point that I cried. God is so bigger than we give Him credit for. This just really touched me that someone was so touched by God this morning that I had to blog about it even though I’m in class
My prayer for today comes from the David Crowder’s Intoxicating “Inebriating You are to me. Completely captivating You are to see. Sending my world spinning You are, You see”


Bryan said...

... but the best part about your day was seeing that guitar.

Bryan said...

where be the bloggings of john ewing?

Unknown said...

i was crying during that chapel too.

jeez you haven't written anything in a while. ...