Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good and Hairy Moments

So I am now back at school and into the full swing of things. Today was our first chapel and it was a praise and worship chapel. In all honesty I have been slightly dreading this chapel because whenever there is music for chapel I only get 3-4 hours of sleep and most of the time that means that two nights a week I get no sleep. So I realized yesterday how much I had actually been dreading this thought. So yesterday I decided that I need to train someone else to set up at night so I can get more sleep because my sleep, health, and sanity are worth far more. I will still do sound, just not setup. Anywho because of this fact I got up at 6:15 this morning so I could shower and pack my bag for class. Part of my getting ready this morning involved shaving, which normally quite the mundane task is a challenge with little to no light as so to not wake my roommate up. Now fast forward to the middle of the day when I had to go to the bathroom and upon looking in the mirror I realized that I had missed a large spot on the bottom under my chin. I was now faced with the realization that I had gone around all morning with one awkward and hairy splotch under my chin. Now I like to think that I’m not really a self-conscious person. I wear what I want because I like it, and yes I love my pink shirt, and I act the way I do because… well there is probably something wrong with me. I like to think that I don’t care about what other people think of me, but I was surprised at how self-conscious I became upon realizing my rather hairy mistake, and that NO ONE had said anything about it. There was nothing I could do about it except wait for class to be over, which was several hours from this point. In all reality it probably wasn’t that noticeable and for the most part it really did slip my mind for the rest of the day. I guess this whole ordeal is just an eye opener that, I’m not as perfect. It is also good to know that my friends are my friends not because of what I am on the outside but who I am on the inside. Either that or my friends are not as close as I give them credit for, but I doubt that because they all are truly amazing people. So back to this morning, we had some technical difficulties during chapel, but the band did amazing and God was glorified through song, prayer, communion, and fellowship which was absolutely amazing, and makes the three hours of sleep I got last night worth every moment to know that I could be an instrument in helping provide that time for others. God is good all the time even when the world around me isn’t.

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